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This is where it all starts. Practical Bass is introduced in our first, groundbreaking podcast. Meet our show hosts, Paul and Dave.
Hear about their background, their influences, and their goals for helping Practical Bassists everywhere.
This podcast is just the start of what we hope is a genuine relationship with our listeners. We invite you to connect with us on any of our social media sites:
You can also leave feedback directly on the website anytime!
Music: Jahzzar, Please Listen Carefully; spinningmerkaba, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix)
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Show notes
- How did we get here?
- Paul: Had done a few podcasts before, most recently with friend John Poelstra, unsuccessful trying to come up with an angle on his own
- Paul teaches Dave how to set up his bass a year or two ago
- Dave came over to borrow an instrument, conversation ensued… EUREKA!
- What is this podcast?
- Called “practical” because it’s about practical aspects of being a bassist/musician
- Not a theory site… great sites for that already, like Scott’s Bass Lessons…
- Not covering scales, chord changes, or how to master your instrument… like Ted “Blyss” Gould
- We might cover things like using certain features of your instrument!
- Some of our episodes coming up
- Knowing when and how to intonate your bass
- How a compressor effect works
- The bassist’s role in a group
- Choosing strings
- Finding and setting expectations for a sub …and a lot more!
- Weekly episodes — Subscribe!
- Probably wondering who we are?
- Dave…
- Sang in chorus/choir/select choir in grade school through high school
- A growing obsession for bassists in college led to my decision to pick up the bass 20 years ago. And so began the love affair.
- 10 years hacking away by my lonesome (in and out of lessons)
- Jumped into an open jazz house band for a year (wasn’t ready)
- Joined and co-managed a 10 piece salsa band for 5 years
- Played in bands ranging from funk, Latin, reggae to rock
- For the past 5 years playing between 50 to 75 shows/year
- Some studio and writing originals for an original indie/Latin fusion band
- Paul…
- Learned theory and reading in school band 35+ years ago, playing clarinet, alto clarinet, saxophone, tinkering on piano
- Picked up bass about 30 years ago in college and never put it down
- Started playing with DC area groups
- Nowadays, in a couple bands as well as subbing for others, doing odd sessions, writing and recording my own material
- Plus have a day job, family, etc.
- You can do this at a proficient level on the side!
- Dave…
- We want to know who you are too!
- Most importantly, subscribe! That way we know you’re out there listening.
- And share with fellow bass players and musicians!
Hi Paul and Dave,
It’s little longer for me(non native English speaker). But this episode made me knowing your music backgrounds, how did you pick up an instrument.
As a still entry level guitar player, I started to learning guitar at 18 in 2000, now I am still sticking to practice and trying to make more improvements. Mostly I have to practice/play alone, no one around me plays an instrument. Bad Luck. I hope I can get some fun, knowledge, experiences or whatever from your podcast.
Hope you guys can make this better.
@Tian: It’s nice to hear from you. We’re happy you found our podcast, and I hope we can help you develop your skills through our podcast. Thank you for listening!