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What one bass amplifier could you not live without? Your hosts share their stories of amps past and present.
How many amps does one bassist need? The minimalist and the bargain hunter have at it!
What was your first amp?
- Dave:
- Peavy Minx 1×15 – got it used in ‘95 – It was better than playing electric bass acoustically? Just died a little over a year ago!
- Paul:
- A Peavey Minx, 40W with an 8” speaker that I got in 1989.
Anything you owned or got rid of over the years?
- Dave:
- Ampeg BA115 – 150 Watt combo
- SWR Studio 220 w/115 David Eden and 212 Aguilar
- TC 450 w/TC RS212 (50lb)
- Markbass CMD 151P Jeff Berlin (35 lb combo)
- Paul:
- 200W solid state Crate amp — a head + 15” cabinet
- Had a Hartke kickback for a while, traded it for a bass (I think it was a Rickenbacker I no longer have)
- SWR Workingmans 15
- Picked up an old Sound City 120 head years ago from the bassist I replaced in a band, and used it with a big SWR Goliath II 4×10, huge sound
All right, fess up, how many do you own?
- Dave:
- Ha! – Guess…
- Paul:
- Hmm. Four. Maybe five.
- Ampeg B15-N
- Sound City 120 – kept it!
- SWR Super Redhead
- MarkBass LMT 800
- And (questionable) a rack with a Mackie amp that I can use with just a preamp pedal and a cabinet for full range
- Hmm. Four. Maybe five.
Do you really need so many?
- Paul:
- LOL, no
- Maybe two… like a big amp, and a smaller one?
- Dave, ideally how many amps would you have? Any dream amp you’d love to own?
- Dave:
- I need more. It’s a new obsession swiftly moving in – Don’t tell my wife
- I would like to go back to a full rig so I can keep one in studio, one for small venues and one for larger spaces
- Traveler 102 (2×10) add on to combo may make the most sense for now (500W)
- Today, wish list includes DNA 800 (w/410) or with an LDS custom cabinet
- Made by David Nordschow
Anything else we can say about amps?
- As collectible as basses 😉
Photo by PJ Nelson, Bass & Amp, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Flickr.