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Got a long list of things to do? Try knocking goals out by blocking time and sprinting ahead.
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What’s the purpose of blocking time?
- Focus
- You have a specific goal you need to get to
- Songs you need to learn for a gig
- Writing exercises
- Managing your business/admin duties
- If you block time, and have a plan, you can get it done more easily
Any other requirements?
- Environment
- Don’t put yourself in a distraction situation
- A timer!
- Cell phone OK… put it where you can’t look at it until the alarm goes off
- Egg or cooking timer is better
- Plan it in your calendar
- Having a block with no time to execute it is lame
- Guard that period
- Each block is like a deal you make with yourself, the only person who can renege on the deal is YOU
How do you do it?
- Think about how long it will take to get to the goal
- “Go through this particular scale in every key, up and down, three times” — 15 minutes?
- “Learn these 3-4 songs completely without errors” — 60 minutes?
- Be fair but don’t pad time either
- Write the goal down and put it in front of you
- Start timer and GO FOR IT
- If you need more time, set another block (and note on sheet)
- Depending on size of blocks, do a rest period between them. Should rest at least 5-10 minutes per hour
- Give yourself mental break
- OK to distract for a minute
- Stretch, bathroom, walk around, etc.
- Avoid RSI’s!
Collecting up results?
- If these sprints aren’t working
- Stop and ask yourself why
- What could you do better?
- What could be better about your environment or setup that would help?
- If they are working
- Think about taking a little time each week or month to look at your block notes
- Pat yourself on the back for all that hard work!
- Assess what you know or can do now thanks to dedicating yourself to goals
Brain teaser: Could you apply this to something other than music? OH YEAH.
Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash. Music: The Chemical Brothers, Block Rockin’ Beats; spinningmerkaba, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix).