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Being prepared isn’t just about knowing the tunes. What do you carry to make yourself successful?
Music: Jahzzar, Please Listen Carefully; spinningmerkaba, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix)
Show notes
- Do you have a small pouch for your gigs? Can you cram everything you need into the side of your bass case? Or do you wheel around a flight case full of gear?
- How many basses?
- Dave
- Living on the edge: One + Car stash of 9V, tool pouch, and strings
- My pack light obsession – Most recent tweak commentary
- Yesterday I time-blocked to work on minimization
- Paul
- Usually bring two, since so many gigs are not close to home
- If I bring one, I make sure if it’s active it has a passive switch
- Dave
- What do we BOTH carry?
- Guitar cables
- Mic + XLR
- Batteries
- Tablet/iPad and holder
- Ear protection
- Tools – multi driver, Leatherman, Allen wrenches
- Extra strings
- Marketing stuff – business cards, schedule, etc.
- Mic stand plate / drink holder
- Pen & Sharpie
- Dave’s bag contains – (This is so personal!) Hip little satchel – Mostly for past bandmate experiences – The bassist is always reliable!
- 2 power cords
- Checkbook
- Duct Tape & Painters Tape
- Marketing stuff
- 2 Pedals
- 2 coupler cables
- Ear buds
- 5 Hour
- Paul’s bag contains
- Compressor pedal w/ power and lead
- Polish + cloth
- Painkillers + a mini bottle of Jack Daniel’s 🙂
- Cable tester
- Let’s hear from listeners… what did you not hear in our lists that you can’t live without?