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Did you finally get everything in your life together, and forgot where you put it? Time to get organized.
Music: Jahzzar, Please Listen Carefully; spinningmerkaba, Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix)
Show notes
- Do you write everything down, or do you prefer to memorize everything? Are you usually early, or usually late? Are you constantly with it, or are you often forgetting places, people, or times?
- Dave’s experience
- I am naturally as organized as a 7 year old
- Live by processes that put bumper rails on my life
- 1 phone, 1 music paper calendar, time blocks
- Once I was late to a gig
- And…I was late to our first PB meeting (Nooo)
- Bike and tree bit
- Tree bumpers?
- Paul’s experience
- Used to not be very organized, never could remember to write anything down
- Job forced me to get with the program, along with GTD by David Allen
- Now I organize everything in my phone but I use Google apps
- Rule #1: Keep everything in one place, and take that with you — Daybook/organizer, Smartphone, Laptop
- Planning dates
- Use a calendar, and have a system… mark things down right then. If your calendar isn’t immediately at hand and convenient to use, get a different one
- You should be able to tell someone instantly whether you have dates free, or when you can book a show… be professional
- Paul
- I use a shared Google Calendar where we mark off dates, gigs, etc.
- One caution… if you use that calendar to advertise gigs, might want a separate, private one with band business notes like pay, etc.
- Dave
- I have 3 calendars – It’s awful, but I can’t change
- Review weekly schedule every Monday
- What other kinds of information do you organize?
- Dave
- Lyrics/Charts/Song lists – Forscore
- Pedal/Amp settings
- Contracts
- Income and Expenses – Taxes
- Recordings
- Paul
- Band ledger — or just a tally of how much is owed to each band member
- Song and set lists — organize documents through a file share
- Lyrics
- Current stage plot and input list for larger venues
- Dave
- To Do list — if you don’t keep one, make one
- If you think this sounds like too much work, you’re wrong… it frees your mind
- Writing things down means you don’t have to keep them rolling around in your head and worrying about whether you’ll remember them
- Dave
- I use my work task list in Outlook or inotes
- Paul
- Google Keep